Usage of IC 7415

from __future__ import print_function
from BinPy import *
# Usage of IC 7415:

ic = IC_7415()

This is a Triple 3 input AND gate IC with open collector outputs

Pin Number      Description
    1   A Input Gate 1
    2   B Input Gate 1
    3   A Input Gate 2
    4   B Input Gate 2
    5   C Input Gate 2
    6   Y Output Gate 2
    7   Ground
    8   Y Output Gate 3
    9   A Input Gate 3
    10  B Input Gate 3
    11  C Input Gate 3
    12  Y Output Gate 1
    13  C Input Gate 1
    14  Positive Supply

This class needs 14 parameters. Each parameter being the pin value. The input has to be defined as a dictionary
with pin number as the key and its value being either 1 or 0

To initialise the ic 7415:
    1. set pin 7:0
    2. set pin 14:1

How to use:

    >>> ic = IC_7415()
    >>> pin_config = {1:1, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0, 5:0, 7:0, 9:1, 10:1, 11:1, 13:0, 14:1}
    >>> ic.setIC(pin_cofig)
    >>> ic.drawIC()
    >>> ic.setIC(
    >>> ic.drawIC()

Default pins:
    pins = [None,0,0,0,0,0,None,0,None,0,0,0,None,0,0]
# The Pin configuration is:

inp = {1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 7: 0, 9: 1, 10: 1, 11: 1, 13: 0, 14: 1}

# Pin initinalization

# Powering up the IC - using -- ic.setIC({14: 1, 7: 0})

ic.setIC({14: 1, 7: 0})

# Setting the inputs of the ic


# Draw the IC with the current configuration\n

         │                   │
[1]    ──┤  1            14  ├──    [1]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  2      7     13  ├──    [0]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  3      4     12  ├──    [Z]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  4      1     11  ├──    [1]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  5      5     10  ├──    [1]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[Z]    ──┤  6             9  ├──    [1]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  7             8  ├──    [Z]
         │                   │
# Run the IC with the current configuration using -- print --

# Note that the returns a dict of pin configuration similar to

print (
{8: 1, 12: 0, 6: 0}
# Seting the outputs to the current IC configuration using -- ic.setIC( --\n


# Draw the final configuration

         │                   │
[1]    ──┤  1            14  ├──    [1]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  2      7     13  ├──    [0]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  3      4     12  ├──    [0]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  4      1     11  ├──    [1]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  5      5     10  ├──    [1]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  6             9  ├──    [1]
         │                   │
         │                   │
[0]    ──┤  7             8  ├──    [1]
         │                   │
# Seting the outputs to the current IC configuration using -- ic.setIC( --


# Draw the final configuration


# Run the IC

print (
              │                   │
     [1]    ──┤  1            14  ├──    [1]
              │                   │
              │                   │
     [0]    ──┤  2      7     13  ├──    [0]
              │                   │
              │                   │
     [0]    ──┤  3      4     12  ├──    [0]
              │                   │
              │                   │
     [0]    ──┤  4      1     11  ├──    [1]
              │                   │
              │                   │
     [0]    ──┤  5      5     10  ├──    [1]
              │                   │
              │                   │
     [0]    ──┤  6             9  ├──    [1]
              │                   │
              │                   │
     [0]    ──┤  7             8  ├──    [1]
              │                   │
{8: 1, 12: 0, 6: 0}
# Connector Outputs
c = Connector()

# Set the output connector to a particular pin of the ic
ic.setOutput(8, c)

Connector; State: 1